Epub Lifelines

Sit In The Hand
We have moved to larger facility. Our new address is:
106 Norris Road
Bakersfield, Ca. 93308 USA
"4 times the room - 4 times the hands"

Would you like to buy a real hand chair from a real company?
And give your order to a real live person over the phone?
Call us: 800-494-3733
Chances are you won't even find a phone number on any of those "other" sites.
Why not get your chair from the origional "Sitinthehand".

hand chair

This sturdy hand shaped chair is 34" high x 27" wide and is molded of tough polyethylene. A great conversation piece for use poolside or patio, in the kids room or game room. Since we are dealing directly with the manufacturer we are able to offer this one of a kind hand chair for only $149.95 + shipping costs.
We now have a huge inventory of right and left hand chairs in stock - lots of different colors to choose from. We can ship any chair in stock within 36 hours from the time of order placement. Chairs in stock usually ship the same day as ordered!! Our chairs are made of only new materials - no cheap re-ground plastic like you might find on other sites.
Get your chair a manacure. Yes - this is cool - now you can have your chairs finger nails painted in the color of your choice. Add $65.00, French Manicure $75.00.

If you would like to order one or more of these unique hand chairs just call our toll free number 1-800-494-3733. Please allow 1 - 2 weeks for delivery on chairs in stock.

We accept the following credit cards:

Checks or Money Orders are OK.
We cannot make COD shipments.

Sit In The Hand
106 Norris Road
Bakersfield, Ca. 93308 USA
"Where would you like to sit today?"
Correct answer = "Why in the hand of course"
For more information Email:

Click here For an Adobe Acrobat Brochure
on Other Retro Furniture
Available from Sitinthehand.com
Click here For a Map to Sitinthehand
New Products available from sitinthehand.com:
Fountain - $352.00, includes pump.

Mock Rock - $75.00, 5 styles, 2 colors.


Are you tired of shopping for strange chairs? Play Ping Pong

Epub Lifelines

by Doris 3.6

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